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Silicon Valen, Spain: Plans to build a photovoltaic integrated manufacturing plant


The Generalitat Valenciana (GVA), the regional government of Valencia, has decided to grant a grant to Silicon Valen SL, a local company, to realize its plan to build a solar photovoltaic module factory in Spain.

Silicon Valen SL plans to use the money to purchase machinery and equipment to start construction of the first phase of the photovoltaic plant, with raw materials and batteries to be sourced from European companies. Later, the company plans to bring three production plants online to complete the final assembly process from silicon to batteries and components.

Silicon Valen SL aims to have its first phase online by 2023, with commercial availability beginning in October 2023.

The project is part of valencia's industrial strategic plan to wean Europe off its strong dependence on the Chinese solar supply chain, in order to ensure Energy independence and decarbonization of the European economy.

(Translated from TAIYANG)

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